The two main factions that define the
I look to the two men hunched on the ground with the churning realization that there’s an innocent man dying in my dad’s home
I want to show you the difference so that you understand the distinction between the two words
Other Predators: The most abundant and important predators for a healthy garden are the two-winged Flies, the Wasps and the Green Lace-wings
The two of them walked up the slanted ceiling of the stairwell, keeping their eyes on the dangerously, jagged steps above them
plans for the two of us
“That doesn’t seem right,” Henry said as he crossed his eyes comparing the two texts
Hence, the two witnesses who can vouch for your sound mind and no force being involved in the signing of the will
The two stared at each other for hours without blinking
The two hour ride to the Gengee waterfront was uneventful except for a huge tie-up as they approached a bridge on the road leading into the city
The two patrol cars are positioned to block the drive
‘That sounds serious – nothing wrong between the two of you, I hope
On top of that, I spent most of yesterday keeping within reach of the phone and, on the two occasions I had to go out of earshot into the garden to deal with the washing, I had checked to see if anyone had called while I was out there as soon as I got back inside … but Stephen didn’t call
The Garda was confused for a moment before he put the two words together
He lives in the top three floors of the tree between the two big barns on third aisle
It takes a considerable amount of restraint on my part not to go with the two of them as they head off to the annexe, but I manage it
’ I said, visualising this encounter and rather hoping that the two of them never gang up on me in earnest
"What did Mike say about the two patrol members who were assaulted?"
"No doubt, I've met some who are better than me but somehow I bet Juleel is not one of them and neither were the two we met
The officer waves them away and the two head to the bus
He was not one of the two Brazilians he had met, but he was big and barrel-chested like them
Pig ignorant the two of them
"I am looking for the room where the two assault victims are recovering
swivels his gun so that it’s pointing at the two soldiers guarding Ricci and Khalid
The two soldiers chatter fearfully and threateningly in Arabic, point their guns at Russ and John
I need to know why they came back and why they attacked the two of you
Glenelle knew that because she could run it, but she was still on Ava's verandah at the time, still physically in the silicon blades in the core of the two hundred by four hundred foot boulder that remained of Gordon's Lamp
“You’ll be off on your way, then?” asked the smaller of the two
" The two men were very close together
Most of the time they had been best friends, the two Ava's she was speaking with were one
The two were a family in their own little home
My bedroom is at the opposite end of the house to Liz’s section, with Stephen’s room somewhere in the middle between the two ends of the house
The window of my bedroom faces the front of the building so I hear the taxi drive over the gravel and the sound of the two them letting themselves in - judging by the amount of giggling going on, I’d say they have had a good time
’ I said, catching the revealing glance that passes swiftly between the two of them
Barney comes running over, the ball in his hands, giggling as the two men chase after him as Molly emerges from the house carrying a tureen of potatoes
“And David sat between the two gates: and the watchman went up to the roof over the gate
between the two begins to grow
All is quiet; there is a great peace that surrounds the two
A link between the two begins to grow, the young couple
The two together, watching the sunrise
The talk between the two souls before
the two will leave this Site
The two meet face to face with death
Oliver/D: ---> it is a middle-out; one of the two will come out
Of the two-hundred and six passengers and crew aboard the plane there were three further fatalities and a number of injuries
Bahkmar was born in 2312, unnoticed because the two hundredth anniversary of Talstan's founding by Qaida, the Prophet of Holy War, was the year before, but he was able to consider himself two centuries younger than the nation all his life
The two pilots sat side by side in there with room to spare
' But out here, it felt like the fire teams riding on top of the two ‘draggers had nothing but flanks
The two of them make love, while the evil woman is secretly watching them
I thought about The Kid and the monstrous difference between the two men
The family likeness is very obvious seeing the two men together like this, but there is also a little of his grandmother as well, a gentleness which you don’t often see in men
The two guards who had been on washing-up duty came over, this time with rolls of duct tape in their hands
Together with the suited American, the two guards lifted and carried me, trussed like a roasting bird, and carefully laid my body in a metal box underneath the flat bed back of the lorry
I tried to reach a contemplative state, a balanced meditation, where my parents looked back at me from the veranda of our house in Jnah, the two of them smiling sweetly and holding hands
I had seen neither of the two men before
This element dominates over the two previous ones and it is the human innate inclination to do the biggest possible evil to animate beings or inanimate things
The two goons by the door circled slowly and aimed punches and kicks at my frail body while the man stood over me and shouted out his frustrations
The new class of students are seated directly in front of us, divided into the two main areas of study, agriculture and engineering
And, the high spot of the tour, our stop at Navagio (the Shipwreck): Without the slightest compunction, I left behind the two undecided grumblers who happen to be my companions in this trip and dived into the clear blue water from the deck of the boat
As for the other two, I could not recall the specifics of their abduction, but guessed that Aban Ganji was probably Persian and quite possibly one of the two television men taken over the summer
The two guards by the window were on the move as well
With that the two of them simply walked out of the room
Kara signed herself out of the records office and the two women walked in silence along the street towards the little café – one of the larger chains that prided itself on the quality of its coffee, Kara noted with dismay
Minutes later, clutching their respective brews and a couple of pastries, the two women made their way towards a small table in the corner of the room
For a couple of endless seconds, I watched the two spectral snakes stir as if they were coming to life; they slowly moved in opposite directions, separated and finally disappeared from sight
“For the time being, she has lost everything: her precious pact with the two demons, her physical body and lots of energy
The two hundred mile trip to Lastriss increased to four hundred miles by the meandering of the river, making the trip from Hazorpean take at least four weeks altogether when the wind was this light
’ Kara said absently, her mind occupied in trying to recall any detail of the two men that might give a clue as to why they had attacked her
Wisdom and the Spirit are related in a way that we cannot separate the two of them
The two women gravitated towards the other side of the room where half a dozen semi-comfortable, rather scruffy chairs were grouped around a low table on which some tired-looking magazines had been heaped
He led the two women through a doorway into a darkish hallway leading towards the back of the building then, just before they reached the door at the end, he turned and started climbing a narrow, uncarpeted staircase lit by a window halfway up
It sits where the Lita joins the Lhar, the actual center is on the North side of the combined river, but an active waterfront exists on all shores of the three rivers and the two main islands in the river junction
Parking the two excited young people and their baggage in a café nearby with strict instructions not to wander off, she went to introduce herself to the warden, a woman by the name of Zareide
‘He’s the younger of the two men who’ll be waiting for us, isn’t he?’ JJ asked, returning with her tea - of the two of them, he was the more jumpy
With just the two cups between them it was a matter of how you raced your partner to the bottom of that cup
’ She replied, tasting her wine … funny how some things were identical between the two worlds
The two most important things in that particular phase of development are perfecting their strength and coordination and breaking in their newly-ripened sex organs
That left just the two of them at the port corner of the bow
The two are interwoven together
That took them out of the equation … the two men had gone on towards the pedestrian subway … okay
Between them they manhandled the two ruffians to the rubbish store, threw them in and rammed the door shut, using a nearby length of discarded metal bar to jam the door firmly
Ethereead urged the two outside
The two Jodechians turned and walked down the worn path that
Bill Smythe once again eyed the two men as they trudged against
In this we see the two wisdoms
needle soft in the sleep of the two year old,
Between the two of them, they manoeuvred her between the covers, Angie fussing over straightening the sheet and patting the pillows
the two of them
The larger and stronger of the two birds flew
"That sensor would detect an exothermic life form exerting enough energy to subdue Alan and the two women he was with," Alfred told her
The two folk in the stalls were still looking at each other puzzled
looked at the two folk in the stall
Marshall looked at the two creatures; the four eyes all met his
The two Jodechians
The two old friends took out their walking sticks and proceeded
When the two shuttles take off a minute apart, it is so cool!” He was watching her and getting caught up in her enjoyment and her reactions to the movie
Of the two, the younger face kneels and puts a hand out,
I wouldn’t want the two of them to think I had been spying on them
choose to walk the two hundred yards that lead
In Genesis 2:24, we find the infamous Scripture that a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and the two shall become one flesh